Parenting Tips

Parenting Tips for the 21st Century

Parenting Tips for the 21st Century • Parent Influence

There are many costs of parenting in the 21st Century. College prices have risen, food prices are increasing, and there’s technology everywhere you turn. Raising 21st Century kids provides parents with many challenges.

While we acknowledge that the 21st Century brings about some challenges for parents, there are some things you can do to make it easier. Today we’re featuring some parenting tips for anyone raising a kid in the 21st Century.

Tell Your Kids You Love Them

Don’t just assume your kids know that you love them. Let your kids know how much you love them as often as possible. Some kids may prefer you to show love with a hug, while others may enjoy just hearing those three little words. Do something each day to confirm that you love your kids without conditions so they can feel more confident and secure in the family unit.

Eat Dinner Together

Try to eat one meal a day together with your household. Having a family meal together every day of the week is a vital part of strengthening family bonds. Some people prefer to make dinner the meal that everyone sits down to enjoy. During this time the conversation runs freely, and each family member can gain a sense of belonging as everyone chats, laughs, and enjoys a meal together.

Ask Questions

Kids will grow up quickly and with so much time being spent on electronics, it’s no wonder more parents in the 21st Century feel a disconnect from their kids. Take advantage of the drive to and from school or mealtime and moments in between to ask questions. Asking your kids questions about their life, their passions, and other things will let them know you care about their life and feelings.

Don’t Overwork

While being a working parent can help your kids learn some independence and help your household remain financially stable, try not to put work above the priority of family time. Family unity must be a top priority so try not to overwork at your job. This will allow you to properly balance quality family time and earning a living without stress.

Model Kindness

With the fast-paced world that the 21st Century kids are growing up in, it’s important to model kindness. Try to be more present and patient in all areas of life so that your kids can see the best example of how to be a kind human. You can model kindness by thanking the clerk at the grocery store, holding the door for strangers, and pausing to make time for your kids during a busy day.

Practice Gratitude

Lastly, when your kids give you a gift that they’re proud of be sure to thank them and show your gratitude for this gift. Practicing gratitude with your kids will help them learn how to be grateful for every little thing they have in their life. Gratitude is an important life skill that every kid should learn from a young age so they can grow up to be well-rounded, considerate adults.

These are just a few of our favorite parenting tips for the 21st Century. These tips will surely help you be the best parent possible and raise kids who feel confident about being a unique individual.

Source: Adriana Matthews

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