Parenting Tips

A Tool to Help Parents with Child Care Plans

A Tool to Help Parents with Child Care Plans • Parent Influence

With so many parents out there searching for a way to adapt their life with the new restrictions and having children remote learn, it’s no wonder that many are in need of a tool to help with child care plans this year.

Today we’re sharing a new tool that will help parents with their search for safe childcare options amidst the pandemic. This tool will help parents weigh the risks and benefits to make an educated decision for childcare options.

This new tool called Maven is a COVID-19 Child Care Decision Tool. The goal is to help parents decide whether to send their kids to in-person school, virtual school, or switch to homeschool during our current times. Maven also helps parents with decisions about daycare or hiring a person to babysit their kids inside their home.

Being able to weigh the pros and cons, as well as the risks associated with our current times will provide parents the relief and assurance they need to make an educated decision about their kids. With 2/3 of parents feeling anxious about their options, Maven hopes to alleviate some of that anxiety.

Many studies have shown that parents under 5 feel less supported by their employer when it comes to determining how to keep their child safe while maintaining their job. Parents with children 10 and older tend to feel more supported than employers, as these children can stay home alone for shorter periods and thus reducing the need for outside childcare.

This free tool is available on Parents take a quiz to determine what the best option for their family is. The questions will help this tool determine the risks and options for each family according to their answers provided during the quiz process.

Once the quiz is complete, parents receive the best advice on how to proceed with a decision that should keep their kids as safe as possible with schooling and daycare options. Maven wants you to know that while this tool is a wonderful resource, you’ll still want to trust your gut when making the best decision for your family during these current times.

We hope that you’ll check out to see more about this tool and perhaps try it out to see if it can help you make the best decision for your kids as you attempt to get through the rest of the school year.

Source: MamaBee

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