Mindful Parenting

Should you Travel for the Holidays • Parent Influence

Should you Travel for the Holidays • Parent Influence

Now that the holiday season is upon us, many families are deciding to travel or not to travel. With many restrictions in place, it may not be up to each family to travel outside of their state. Many states have banned visitors from other states or set up check points to ensure that each visiting person quarantines for 14 days when staying in a different state.

The travel restrictions seem to be getting worse this holiday season, and with that comes the need to chat about whether or not you should travel for the holidays. The CDC has encouraged people to rethink how they’re handling the holidays this year, and some states have up and banned gatherings larger than 10 in some instances.

The current times certainly call for a question as to what can be enforced and not. The key is to make a good decision for your family based on current health, risks, and where you’ve been. Some families have opted to quarantine for 14 days, get a negative virus test, and gather with their family as they normally would. Other families are opting to cancel the holidays altogether.

We’re not sure that there’s one size fits all answer to whether you should travel for the holidays or not, but one thing for sure, there is a lot of sicknesses out there to catch should you opt to travel. If you must travel this holiday season then take some precautions.

  • Bring a mask or two so that you can wear a mask when unable to social distance.
  • Have a negative virus test at least 24 hours before traveling.
  • Check with your airport to find out their rules regarding holiday travel.
  • Check with the destination state and your current state to see what is required for you to enter a different state and return to your home state.
  • Consider your level of health and whether anyone in your family is immune-compromised.

Low-Risk Holidays

The most low-risk holiday gathering would be to gather at home with your immediate family. This includes anyone who lives at your house. Do not invite outside guests to enter your home. Consider shopping online and getting your holiday supplies early.

Medium-Risk Holidays

If you want to invite family to your home, or are traveling for the holidays to another family member’s home, then consider having an outdoor holiday gathering. This is not feasible in some areas during the winter months but can be rather enjoyable in some locations.

High-Risk Holidays

The highest risks for the holidays are attending large parades, gatherings that are too crowded for social distancing, and places where others aren’t wearing a mask. Traveling for the holidays could put you in the high-risk holidays’ category, too!

As with most difficult decisions, it’s best to weigh the pros and cons to determine how you can keep your family safe during these current times. You may find that traveling for the holiday just makes sense for you but if you choose to cancel the holiday traveling this year, then you can always do a virtual holiday gathering to see your family from afar via your computer, smartphone, or tablet.

Source: Veronica Phillips

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