Mindful Parenting

How to Watch What You Say Around Kids • Parent Influence

How to Watch What You Say Around Kids • Parent Influence

Parenting is not a walk in the park. There are so many things you have to think about and model so that your kids learn how to behave like decent human beings. This idea that you can just tell your kids how to behave or beat them into doing what you want is silliness. While yes, kids need consequences and such, they learn the most from watching you!

Today we’re going to share some tips to help you start watching what you say and do around your kids. Since you’re the kids’ first role model, they’ll be looking up to you their entire life, even if they don’t admit it.  Here are just a few ways you can start practicing what you say and do around your kids.

Treat Service Agents Nice

When you’re out to eat and a waiter didn’t give you the right order or the cashier at the store was slow and you were in a rush to get to work? These are just a couple of instances that parents deal with while having their kids in tow. Always be nice to those who serve you; whether it’s the cashier at a local store, the waiter at a restaurant, or the toll booth person at the toll booth.

Your kids will learn a lot about how to treat others in this world by seeing how you treat people when you’re in a bad mood or something doesn’t go as planned.

Follow Your Own Rules

This comes down to one simple step, you must follow your own rules. Sure, you’re an adult and do what you want but now you have little kids watching every move you make and word you say! You must now learn to follow the same rules you set in place for kids, at least when they’re around.

You’ll want your kids to see you speaking kindly, using your manners, and following the laws of the road when driving so they’ll be more apt to mimic those good choices in the future.

Learn to Pause

Start practicing the art of pausing before you speak to someone when you’re upset. This will help you watch what you say and what your body language is saying during an altercation with someone while you’re kids are around.

Consider counting to three in your head before speaking whenever someone has you all worked up with emotions so that you can respond in an effective manner, thus teaching your kids how to handle emotions.

These are just a few ways you can easily start watching what you say around your kids. Not only is it important to watch what you say around your kids, but it’s also important to explain your mistakes when you make them so that your kids understand how to correct their negative behavior in the future.

Source: MamaBee

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