Mindful Parenting

Simple Ways for Parents to be Silly With Kids • Parent Influence

Simple Ways for Parents to be Silly With Kids • Parent Influence

As we grow older we tend to lose our ability to be silly. You used your imagination every day as a child and enjoyed playing make-believe. You dreamed big and nothing could deter you from the idea that you’d grow up to be a unicorn. Kids just have this innate ability to be free and think beyond the realm of reality, we lost this concept as adults.

Just because you’ve lost the ability to get as creative as a kid, doesn’t’ mean you can’t get that feeling back. Part of being a good parent is to remember what it was like being a free-thinking child. Today we’re going to help you get in touch with your silly childish side so that you can enjoy hours of fun with your kids.

Celebrate Random Holidays

Look up some random holidays like national pickle day or Pi Day. Make a list of random silly holidays that you can celebrate with your kids. Create a list of activities to do that day. Let your kids know that you’re going to be celebrating the holiday and give them the list of activities. Set yourself free and have a blast making a mess creating fun things in celebration of these silly holidays.

Race Your Kids

You don’t have to make it a full day event to be silly with your kids. Take advantage of everyday moments to be silly with your kids. Let’s say your kids are upset about walking somewhere or having to do something. Make the chore or walking a competition and start racing them. This will get their mind away from griping and instead create hilarious moments of laughter together.

Go Puddle Jumping

Get on those old clothes and rain boots, or not, and have some fun puddle jumping. Spring is coming so there will be plenty of rain puddles to do this silly activity with kids. Let loose of your adult inhibitions and just jump like crazy. Get soaked, get muddy, and laugh with your kids as you show them what having fun in your youth looked like.

Switch Things Up

Make something silly for breakfast, like ice cream sundaes on a weekend. This will make your kids think you’ve lost your mind but show them that you can be silly too. Try to have some fun with this and switch up how you typically dress, such as wearing silly patterns and shoes. There are many things you can switch up to let loose of the rules to have a fun-filled day of silliness.

These simple ways for parents to be silly with kids should inspire you to craft up clever ways to act like a kid again with your kids. When you take the time to be silly with your kids you’re working to develop a strong parent and child bond that will last a lifetime.

Source: jessica Creger

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