Toddlers have a knack for throwing tantrums. This normal part of child development typically occurs sometime after age 2 years. This means your little angel will wake up one day and be ready to argue about everything!
Once your child reaches that lovely age of toddlerhood, it’s time to learn some mitigation hacks to keep the toddler tantrums at a minimum. Today we’re featuring some of those hacks that will help you keep the household a bit more peaceful during this stage of childhood.

Only Give Two Choices
Toddlers don’t have a long attention span so give them only two choices. Since your toddler does want to be independent, they’ll need choices. Try to make each decision they can play a part in being one of two options.
For example; you can wear this blue outfit or this green outfit. Two choices give your toddler a chance to feel like they have some control over their life.
Get Outside
Take your toddlers to the park, the backyard, or on a nature trail as often as possible. Give your toddlers new opportunities to run off their energy will reduce the risk of future tantrums. Not only will your toddler enjoy running around, but the fresh air will tire them out quicker than being cooped up inside.
For example; schedule a time each day that you go outside with your toddler for at least half an hour to let them enjoy creative playtime in the fresh air.

Let There be Food
Another way to mitigate toddler tantrums is to offer them a healthy treat. Just like adults get cranky when they’re hungry, your toddler may be throwing a tantrum because their belly needs some sustenance.
For example; keep a watchful eye on your toddler’s mood changes concerning the last time they ate. Schedule a snack time around the times when your toddler seems to need a little nutrient boost.
Do Not Reward Tantrums
With the concept of giving your toddler a snack, comes the warning to not reward tantrums. The snack concept is all about being proactive for the time when your toddler seems cranky due to hunger pains. Never reward a tantrum with a cookie or cupcake, don’t bribe your toddler to behave properly.
For example; never tell your toddler that if they calm down that they can have some sort of food or item as a reward for stopping the tantrum. This will train your toddler that they can get something every time they pitch a fit.

These are just some hacks for mitigating toddler tantrums so that you can survive these difficult years in childhood. Use these hacks to be fully prepared for this chapter in childhood, because no matter how easy natured your child is, there will be developmental stages when they become unruly and throw tantrums.
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