Parenting Tips

Truths Every New Mom Should Know • Parent Influence

Truths Every New Mom Should Know • Parent Influence

We can’t begin to tell you everything a new mom should know, but we can tell you a few simple truths that most new moms should be prepared with. The knowledge shared today is a collection of truths every new mom should know.

These truths are meant to help you be realistically prepared for the birth of your first child. May these truths that every new mom should know guide you forward with a successful first year in motherhood.

You Can’t Spoil a Baby

Contrary to what some experts say, you can’t spoil a baby. Your baby will cry when they need something and having their parents tend to that need helps build their confidence. A baby who is snuggled and tended to during the first year in life will typically have higher self-esteem and become more independent in the future.

Chill Out on the Mess

Your baby will eventually grow into a toddler who will have a large curiosity about their world. You’ll have messes like no other around the home. From markers to paint, and everything in between, remember that this is a part of child development, so let the me3ss happens because someday you’ll miss these mess moments.

Just Feed Your Baby

There are many options for how and what to feed your baby. Be sure to make this decision something personal for you. Don’t let outsiders influence your choice on whether to opt for breast or formula. Some moms truly struggle with breastfeeding or simply can’t do that, so make sure you just feed your baby and never mind what others say about how you feed your baby. It’s not their business.

Follow Your Newborn’s Lead

There is no training for your newborn child. They have a schedule of their own and know when they need to be fed, held, or whatever. These little humans have a schedule that they seem to be born with, and now is the time to know that you must follow your newborn’s lead. When your baby gets a little older, you can try to morph their schedule to yours, but for now? Enjoy their schedule.

 Don’t Be Afraid to Get Help

Having a new baby for the first time is not an easy task. Remember that it’s totally fine to ask for help. Not a single soul expects you to handle this new mom life without some help. Ask grandparents, parents, and a spouse for some assistance. This way you don’t get overwhelmed or sink into postpartum depression too deep.

These are just some of the truths every new mom should know. We hope that our truths help lend some insight to the first years of your new baby’s life. These truths will help you survive the difficult first year without losing your mind completely.

Source: Molly Reynolds

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