
How to Handle Hyperactivity in Children • Parent Influence

How to Handle Hyperactivity in Children • Parent Influence

Having a hyperactive child can be challenging for many parents, but today we’re going to share some tips to help you cope with this. Hyperactivity is totally normal for younger children, but in time it may disappear.

These tips shared today will help you handle hyperactivity in children in a positive manner so that you, and your children, live a content life. Continue reading to learn some ways you can use mindful and positive parenting to handle hyperactivity in children.

Establish a Routine

The number one step to handling hyperactivity in children is to establish a schedule or daily routine. Make a routine that will work for the daily schedule of your children and include the routine as a visual schedule in the home where your child can see it at all times.

If your children can’t yet read, then make images and cards that they can understand with times and clock hands on the schedule. This will help your children understand what is expected after each daily activity or chore so that they stay more focused on routine.

Pick Your Battles

Having a hyperactive child means that you’ll need to pick which fights to argue. These battles, as we call them, could be something as simple as trying to get your child to sit still during dinnertime or read a book. Learn to work around your child’s needs.

Perhaps you can allow your child to stand during dinnertime or maybe find new ways to get them to read books. If your child can’t sit still or focus for long periods, then use audiobooks while they run around or perhaps try different book genres to figure out which ones intrigue your child most.

Break Down Instructions

Lastly, when it comes to handling a hyperactive child you need to remember they can’t focus for long instructions. If you start breaking down the instructions for your child then you’ll find over time that they start to listen better and focus.

Children with hyperactivity tend to hear the first five seconds of anything someone tells them which means it’s hard for them to hear the full instructions if you’ve ramble on for longer than few seconds. Start breaking down your instructions to your hyperactive child to see if they listen better.

These are just some of our best tips to help you handle hyperactivity in children. We know that hyperactivity can be difficult as it’s not a simple thing to deal with. BUT our tips will help you survive raising a child with a hyperactive mind! We hope that you will use our tips to make life a bit easier for you and your child soon!

Source: Molly Reynolds