Mindful Parenting

How Mindfulness Can Help ADHD Kids • Parent Influence

How Mindfulness Can Help ADHD Kids • Parent Influence

Mindfulness is the art of being aware of your surroundings and being present in the moment as the moment happens. Mindfulness is something that many adults practice, but did you know that children can be taught mindfulness, too?

It’s true!

Today we’re sharing some of the ways mindfulness can help ADHD kids so that you can help your kids be more focused, present, and able to survive with their hyperactivity at school, home, or elsewhere.

Control Impulses

A simple practice of learning deep breathing techniques for mindfulness with ADHD kids is a method that will help kids learn to pause, focus, and regain attention during times of high energy. This pause helps the kids learn to recognize when they’re not fully focused so they’re able to breathe and get back to the present moment.

Helps Feel Validated

Learning mindfulness practices is an excellent way to help ADHD kids feel more validated as an individual in a classroom setting. Many kids who suffer from ADHD don’t fare well in the regular classroom setting and are often thought of as troubled students. Mindfulness will help ADHD kids be noticed as kids who wish to learn, but just need extra techniques to stay focused.

Yoga Can Help

Another option to use in place of or with deep breathing techniques for mindfulness with ADHD kids is yoga. Kids yoga is a fabulous way to help your hyperactive kids feel more balanced and calm. Any sort of method to get their body moving and their mind focused on something will help train their bodies and minds to be better at self-regulation.

Better Regulation

Lastly, using mindfulness techniques helps ADHD kids with self-regulation. When kids are in a classroom or at an event, they can’t have always have individual attention to keep them focused. Mindfulness techniques help your ADHD kid learn more about what they can do or need during a moment of high activity in their mind or body. This allows the kid to correct themselves before things get out of hand. 

Using mindfulness in the classroom or at home with ADHD kids will better help your kids have higher confidence levels and learn to function properly in society for long-lasting jobs and education in the future.

Practicing new ways to help your kids recognize their patterns of hyperactivity in their mind or bodies is an excellent way to encourage your kids to learn more about how their mind and body work.

Source: Adriana Matthews

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