Parenting Tips

How to Co-Parent With a Jerk • Parent Influence

How to Co-Parent With a Jerk • Parent Influence

When it comes to divorcing someone that you have kids with, the reality is that sometimes you end up having to co-parent with a jerk. This is just how it goes from time to time because every person is so different.

Today we’re going to share some tips to help you keep your sanity while you’re co-parenting with a jerk. Since you can’t pick who you have to co-parent with, you can pick how you choose to react to any given situation with parenting.

Keep It Professional

Try to treat your co-parenting relationship as you would a professional relationship. This translates into you’re now doing business with your ex. You’re in the business of raising kids in separate households together. Treat the relationship as such!

Practice the Art of Silence

Remember that not every message, statement, email, or phone call needs a reply. It’s perfectly acceptable to let your jerk ex rant and rave if they must but don’t engage in these moments. If your ex is being abusive or doing anything illegal such as harassing you then, of course, get the appropriate professionals involved to stop that from recurring.

Reduce Communication Methods

If your ex and you truly are horrible about communicating without fighting, then consider reducing the communication methods you use.  You may opt to only use phone or text for emergency purposes and have all other communication go back and forth through email. This gives you a paper trail and allows both of you to cool down before replying to each other.

Listen to Your Kids

Another way to co-parent with a jerk is to listen to your kids. If they don’t seem bothered by their other parent and are happy when they return to you, then allow them a chance to enjoy as much of their childhood as possible. Just because your ex is a jerk to you, does not mean they are a jerk to your kids. Pay attention to your kids and how they behave or speak about the other parent so that you can comprehend their current condition mentally and physically in this new co-parenting scenario.

These are just some of our basic tips to help you co-parent with a jerk. We know all too well that co-parenting isn’t an easy thing for anyone, so we hope that these tips have helped you determine a route that will help keep the peace going forward.

Source: jessica Creger

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