Mindful Parenting

How to Handle Teenage Angst • Parent Influence

How to Handle Teenage Angst • Parent Influence

While there is no medical definition for teen angst, it is much like a negative emotion such as anger or sadness. This feeling is not exactly depression, but it can appear to mimic such mental health illnesses. Today we are going to help you learn how to handle teenage angst in the most compassionate way.

Understand the Feelings

The first step to handle teenager angst is to understand what is causing your teen to display these emotions. Just have a little chat with your teen to understand how they are feeling, what’s going on in their life, and so forth. Be a good listener and you will soon understand the feelings that your teen is having.

During this time, you do not judge or interject your feelings. This is a time to listen and hear how your teen is feeling so that you can handle their angst a bit more reasonably and successfully.

Consider a New Sleep Routine

While you will not be able to force your teen to fall asleep, you can enforce some rules for a new sleep routine. Have electronics or access to Wi-Fi disabled at a specific time, shut down certain things in their room, and so forth. This may be set on a timer so that your teen will only be able to read books or similar activities if they cannot sleep.

Discuss this new routine with your teen, rather than just springing it on them as a new sudden change.

Schedule Fun Time

Do not underestimate the power of fun time with your teen. They may not be that forthcoming with asking for alone time with you because it is not cool to do such things but it’s seriously good for you and your teen to do this! Schedule some fun time with your teen, just you and them.

This alone time will help your teen feel better about themselves and in turn, help strengthen your bond.

Limiting what your teen has access to in their bedroom during sleep hours will significantly improve the chances of them getting a new sleep routine without much of a fuss.

Handling teen angst with a bit of empathy and compassion will go a long way to ensuring this stage does not become a more severe case of depression or anger issues in the future. We hope that you’ll use our tips to handle teenager angst to make sure your home is a bit more comfortable for everyone residing under the roof.

Source: Kristen Reed

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