Mindful Parenting

Tips to be a More Mindful Father

Tips to be a More Mindful Father • Parent Influence

If you’re struggling with being a mindful father then you’re going to love this post! Today we’re sharing some helpful tips for fathers out there in the world to be more mindful. Being mindful will help you strengthen the bond between you and your children, as well as you and your spouse.

Be Curious

Pause and start seeing the world through your children’s eyes. Be curious with your children and let go of those expectations. Experience the world as if you’re a child again. Laugh with your children and explore with your children in ways that only a child would.

Slow the Agenda

Slow down your daily agenda and be present in the moment. Sure work and life is stressful for fathers and adults in general, but that doesn’t mean you have to feel stress constantly. Pause your workload for just a few moments to be present with your family so you can hear them, see them, and truly know what’s going on in their life.

Lower the Expectations

Lower your expectations so that you can better positively interact with your children. Be happy for each of the things your children try, even if they don’t succeed. Cheer your children on as they enjoy something new and want you to watch them try!

Put down the Phone

The invention of the smartphone may help us be more productive, but it is a distraction when you’re trying to be a more mindful father. Put the smartphone on silent and put it down during your time with your children. This will ensure you’re constantly present and won’t get distracted with a notification, phone call, or other ping the phone makes.

Be Accepting

Start being more accepting of who and what your children are. Living in a world that’s ever-changing means that it’s important to be more accepting of the life your children are living. They are growing up in a different world than you grew up in. Try to listen more and appreciate all that they share with you and practice empathy for some of the issues they have to deal with during childhood.

Be Supportive

Lastly, be sure to support your partner and children. Each of your family members holds a dear spot in your life and knowing this will help you be more mindful as a father. Consider watching how much your children and spouse do around the home. Express your gratitude for what they do and how they help support the home, regularly.

We hope that you enjoyed these tips to be a more mindful father and can use them to become more aware of the needs of your family members.

Source: Kristen Reed

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