Parenting Tips

Examining Moms vs Dads Parenting Habits

Examining Moms vs Dads Parenting Habits • Parent Influence

We all know that moms and dads have different parenting habits. Each parent brings to the table a new set of rules, ways to respond, and bond for the child that no other person can match. Dads typically are more laid back and less worrisome whereas most moms are the opposite.

This personality difference and parenting approach of mom and dad help the child become a better-rounded individual. This is not to say that some moms are more laid back than dads. There’s no one size fits all personality type for parents, but we have found that most moms worry more and have more parental guilt than dads do overall.

Today we’re going to examine some of the differences between moms and dads regarding their parenting habits. We thought this would help lend some insight to the differences between parental units.

Dads Use Fewer Words

Dads tend to use fewer words than moms. Moms are more elaborate with the how, why, and when during instruction or conversation. Most dads do not use this method. Dads more direct and use as few words as possible to get their instruction off instantly without questions.

Dads Have Higher Expectations

Dads tend to have higher expectations of their children than moms do. It’s not that moms don’t expect things from their kids, but they tend to be more understanding of the emotional side of their children. Moms are emotionally connected in a way that most dads cannot connect; they’re just not built that way.

Moms Are More Self-Sacrificing

As you probably have seen most moms are more self-sacrificing than dads. Dads don’t get involved in the emotional or empathetic side of parenting, therefore, will often put themselves first. Moms will ultimately have a mental breakdown because they won’t put their needs before their children until they’re facing major health issues.

Focused on the Real World

While both mom and dad want their children to be prepared for the real world, the way they go about it is very different. Dads are more focused on the reality of life and how difficult it will be. They prepare their children using tough love more than moms would do. Moms are more focused on helping their children cope with emotions to survive the real world.

When both parents raise their children under the same roof, these differences between moms and dads work rather well for the child’s upbringing. The problems arrive when the parents are living separately and co-parenting. You see, having a household with one dad and another with one mom, may prove to be more challenging than have the two different parenting habits under one roof balancing each other out.

Source: Elizabeth Grillo

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