Parenting Tips

Simple Ways to Encourage Kindness in Kids • Parent Influence

Simple Ways to Encourage Kindness in Kids • Parent Influence

Kindness is one of the most important aspects of the human being. This characteristic can make the world a better place and it’s something most parents teach their kids through example.

Today we’re going to share some simple ways you can encourage kindness in kids, just in case you want to expand beyond being that solid role model of kindness.

Send Kinds Thoughts

Help your kids write thank you letters or random letters of kindness to family members that live far away. Your kids can send kind thoughts in cards or letters to anyone all over the world. They just need an address. Plenty of families do this for military couples and those serving in active duty.

Make Kindness Rocks

A fairly new idea is kindness rocks. People paint rocks with positive messages on them and place them throughout the community. Random people will find these kindness rocks and have a lovely day because they received this beautiful kindness message via a random rock in town.

Volunteer Together

Another fun way to encourage kindness in kids is to try to volunteer together. Volunteering at a local pet shelter, food pantry, or another place that needs help is a great way to help your kids learn more about kindness. Their act of kindness by helping those less fortunate will go a long way!

Play the Compliment Game

During your family meal time take turns complimenting each family member. You just start with one person saying something nice to another family member and then continue around the table until everyone has said something kind about another person at the table.

Practice Random Acts of Kindness

Have your kids practice random acts of kindness. This could be giving their teacher a gift or homemade card. This could be holding the door for the person behind you in line. This could be having them write a thank you note with the tip at a local restaurant when you dine out together.

There are many ways you can start encouraging kindness in your kids’ lives. Each of these ideas will surely help you live a happier, and more compassionate life as you try to raise well-rounded, kind kids.

These are just some of the many ways to encourage kindness in kids. We hope that you enjoyed our list and will use some of them to start raising kinder kids who are full of compassion and empathy for others in this world.

Source: Veronica Phillips

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