Mindful Parenting

Ways to be More Present as a Parent • Parent Influence

Ways to be More Present as a Parent • Parent Influence

One of the biggest challenges of being a parent is to remain present when your child is begging for your attention. It’s far too easy to be standing there listening to your kid and have your mind drift off to another place.

This happens to the best of us but isn’t a very mindful way to parent. Today we’re sharing some tips to help you be more present as a parent. No more having your mind drift off while your child is trying to engage with you.

Take Breaks

The number one way to be more present as a parent is to make sure you’re taking self-care breaks. You’ll want to keep your cup full so that you’re not neglecting the moments when your child begs for your attention. Schedule daily breaks of at least 10 minutes throughout the day so you’re at your best, and then you’ll be more present when your family requests your undivided attention.

Wake Before Your Kids

Another option, besides taking breaks, is to wake up before your kids. This will allow you a few minutes or an hour in silence. During this time you can prepare the day’s task list, breakfast, or just enjoy the quiet time while you sip on a cup of tea. This is the perfect start to any day when you’re a busy parent who must be present for the kids.

Put the Phone Away

Whenever you’re participating in an activity or listening to your kids tell you something, put that phone away! Leaving the phone off, on silent, or in another room is one of the best ways to be more present as a parent. This will help you have no distractions as you work towards being more aware of the moment you’re in with the kids.

Ask Questions

Another way to make sure you’re more present as a parent is to ask questions. Make sure you’re asking questions while your kids are speaking so that they see you’re interested. This will help engage the conversation deeper and allow you to remain present as you’re interacting with the conversation rather than just zoning out listening.

These are just some of the best ways to build small habits to be more present as a parent. Your kids will know when you’re not fully present in the moment. They have this sixth sense where they can tell if a parent is truly listening or not. So make sure you’re giving your kids the undivided attention that they so deserve every moment you can!

Source: Elizabeth Grillo

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