Mindful Parenting

Positive Affirmations for Kids • Parent Influence

Positive Affirmations for Kids • Parent Influence

There’s much talk about positive affirmations for adults to be more mindful, but what about kids? Today we’re sharing some positive affirmations for kids. These affirmations will help inspire mindful, calm, and outgoing kids that grow into well-rounded adults.

Using positive affirmations for kids will help strengthen your kids’ confidence, self-esteem, and ability to speak up when something doesn’t feel quite right. Feel free to use these positive affirmations for kids in your home to help inspire a more mindful household.

There is no one better to be than myself

This positive affirmation for kids will inspire your kid to transform their thought patterns. No longer will your kids question if they’re good enough or compare themselves with other people. Using this positive affirmation will inspire confidence that no one can break.

My challenges help me grow

This particular positive affirmation for kids will work best during the teen years. As your kids enter adolescence there will be much confusion, frustration, and social challenges that arise. This is the time when your kids are figuring out who they are. This affirmation will help keep them strong and confident during difficult times.

Everything will be okay

Teaching your kids to repeat that ‘everything will be okay’ regularly helps put their minds at ease when they’re overwhelmed about something. Giving your kids the ability to see that everything will be okay with this positive affirmation helps them adjust their perspective during times of high stress.

Today I choose to think positive

This common positive affirmation is popular among kids and adults. The concept is simple; your kids will tell themselves that they will think positively all day long. Each time your kids practice this mindful strategy they’ll get stronger and ultimately rewire their brain to be more optimistic every day.

I am open and ready to learn

Helping your kids become more open to learning throughout their childhood will enhance their ability to realize not one person on Earth has all the answers. Having your kids repeat this positive affirmation for kids helps them develop a more open-minded approach to education and peer-to-peer relationships.

If I fall, I will get back up

This simple concept is easily taught to a kid at any age. A toddler can understand the simple concept that when they fall, quite literally, they end up getting back up. This realistic approach to explain this positive affirmation for kids helps inspire your kids to compare a real-life situation to other things in life; such as a big disappointment they experienced that day.

No matter how you use these positive affirmations for kids, we’re confident that each of these concepts will help you raise confident, well-rounded, open-minded kids that leave the nest ready to take on anything life tosses at them.

Source: MamaBee

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