Parenting Tips

Face Shields vs Face Masks for Kids • Parent Influence

Face Shields vs Face Masks for Kids • Parent Influence

While a face shield may not protect against the virus, combining one with a mask is a preferred method for many caregivers, parents, and kids. Today we’re going to dive into the topic of selecting an option for your kids so that they can be compliant with the current requirements to attend an in-person school or venture into a store.

The Downside of Face Masks

Face masks are typically made of a cloth material and can get pretty hot. Your kids will be breathing in and out during the day inside this mask. The face mask can start to get sticky and rather uncomfortable for your kids.

For kids who have sensory issues, the face mask may not be a good option. Your sensory sensitive kid the face mask could cause a meltdown in the middle of their school day or the store. You don’t want to have this happen and that’s why it’s important to consider all options for your kids during our current circumstances.

Many parents have opted to go with a face shield, although they’re not recommended. This is one way to curb the meltdowns and anxiety that kids develop while wearing their face masks during a long school day.

The Upside of Face Shields for Kids

There are far more upsides to the face shield for kids, specifically kids who have sensory issues. The face shield is made of plastic and generally falls a bit further away from your child’s face. This provides your kids with more space to “breathe” and can prove to be a comfortable option for kids who have to wear a mask throughout a school day.

A face shield can go on over a face mask, thus providing your kids with a safe way to take their face mask off during the day for a short period to breathe in between class sessions. This can be done while your child is socially distanced from others, of course.

Face shields won’t need to be adjusted as often, thus reducing the number of times your kids touch their face. Reducing the frequency of hand to face exposure is a wonderful way to minimize the risk that your kids may contract the virus.

Can face shields substitute face masks to prevent COVID-19?

There is no long-term research that shows whether face shields are a good substitute to face masks as a means to prevent the virus. You’ll truly need to review the requirements in your area, the guidelines set forth by local stores and schools, and then weigh your risk of opting for a face mask or face shield for your kid.

A face shield can protect you at some level, and since there’s not much research to prove that a cloth face mask protects you from this virus fully, it’s best to practice the best recommendations from a trusted source to determine how you’ll handle face shields versus face masks for kids.

In conclusion, the key to determining which option the face shield or the face mask is to know what your kids can tolerate best. You want to make sure they’re shielded as much as possible from getting sick, but their mental health and ability to function in daily life matters as well.  

Source: Veronica Phillips

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