Parenting Tips

Top 3 Parenting Tips to Ignore • Parent Influence

Top 3 Parenting Tips to Ignore • Parent Influence

Top parenting experts will happily lend you some parenting advice that’s not always the best advice. Being a new parent involves a lot of stress and fears about whether you’ll be a good parent or not. These fears can deter you from enjoying pregnancy and the first few years of life, believe us, those first few years fly by!

Today we wanted to feature the top 3 parenting tips experts give that you can ignore. These tips may be meant to help new parents, but they deter new parents from realizing that every child is different. Enjoy this list of the top 3 parenting tips to ignore, because this is going to be the best parenting advice you receive this year.

Ask Your Child to do Something

Many parents get caught in the trap of asking their children to do something. The wording goes something like, “take care of your toys, ok?” As you can see the sentence ends with “ok” and this lends the child to believe they have a choice to complete said task. This parenting advice must be ignored.

You must tell your child to do something. Instruct the child with clear words that let them know this must be completed and when. This alleviates the stress of a parent wondering why their child isn’t doing what they told them to do. When you tell them, rather than ask, the child will complete the task without much hassle.

Embrace Midnight Wake-Ups

Most children struggle with sleeping through the night during their first year. While this is a common developmental pattern with newborns, you don’t have to embrace it. Midnight wake-ups are frustrating for parents and forcing yourself to “embrace” or “enjoy” this moment is asking a bit much when you’re a sleep-deprived parent.

You must learn your child’s cues and be prepared to ignore some of the midnight wake-ups. This will help your child develop self-soothing habits. Each child is different in what their cry means, so it’s best to pay attention to your newborn to learn when they truly need you or just woke up startled and will calm to sleep shortly.

Put Kids’ Moments on Social Media

We live in a world full of social media. Everywhere you go you’ll see screens in your face and most smartphones have a variety of apps installed or notifications encouraging you to install and use social media platforms. Parenting experts make it feel like parents who don’t share their every waking moment with kids online through photos and videos that they aren’t doing their job right.

People have had some rude awakenings about social media lately. They take your data, sell it off, and have rights to most of what you share on their platforms, depending on the network some have more rights than others. You don’t have to share every waking moment of your kids’ lives on social media to be a good parent. The less time you spend on social media the better parent you can be because you’ll be more mindful during the time you spend together.

These are just a few of the parenting tips to ignore that experts tend to push on new parents. It’s okay to parent the way you feel is right for each child. Remember that this is your family and your children, it’s up to you how you react to situations, and what you share online with others.

Source: Molly Reynolds

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